Welcome to the barrier-free city and conference hotel Franz
How many guests may we welcome?
Our services
Free parking
At the hotel and nearby
Wheelchair access
Convenient access for visitors with and without disabilities
Free Wi-Fi
Stay online all the time
Rich breakfast
We provide a buffet with a large selection of items
24-hour reception
We are always at your service
Fully air-conditioned rooms
We use renewable energy
Come inside
A picture is worth a thousand words. So we invite you to take an unhurried look around our Hotel Franz with disabled access and event facilities. Either by visiting our picture galleries here or by visiting us here in Essen and forming your own picture. Give us a call and arrange an appointment.
Comfort included
Unique added value awaits you at the ****Hotel Franz with conference facilities in the city in the heart of the Ruhr district. The freedom of access provides maximum levels of comfort and convenience for all, and the inclusive team creates a friendly atmosphere in which you can feel at ease and work effectively.